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Add Coworkers to a Project

Collaborate with colleagues by adding a coworker to your project at any time. We will outline a few ways to do this below.

Olga Quiroga avatar
Written by Olga Quiroga
Updated over a week ago

From the Project Post

Navigate to your project and click on the Add Coworker button located at the top of the post.

From a Candidate Proposal

Open the candidate’s proposal and click on the Add Coworker button located at the top right.

From the Timesheet Portal

Navigate to the Timesheet Portal and select the appropriate project

Click on the Add Coworker button located on the left.

Adding a Coworker

If no additional coworker has been added, only you will appear.

If there are coworkers, the modal may look more like this:

To add, type in the coworker’s email address in the Email field and select the appropriate permission level they should have

Reminder! Based on your permissions, you may not have the same permission choices shown in the example. Rule of thumb = You can add others at your permission level or below.

Permissions Available

We’ve outlined the available permission and what each can do.



Who can add/edit/remove someone in this role?

Edit/remove themselves?

See budget or candidate rates?


Can edit the project post, hire candidates, approve timesheets and add coworkers. Will receive notifications about project activity and associated proposals.

The Project Owner or Other Admins




Can edit the project post, hire candidates, and add coworkers. Will receive notifications about project activity and associated proposals.

The Project Owner, Other Admins, or Other Managers




Can view the project post. Can comment on the project and candidates. Will receive notifications about project activity and associated proposals.

The Project Owner, Other Admins, Other Managers, or Other Collaborators



Timesheet Approver

Can approve and request edits on timesheets submitted by the hired consultant. Will receive notifications about timesheet-related activity.

The Project Owner, Other Admins, or Other Timesheet Approvers



Once you have selected the appropriate permission and added your coworker’s email address, you can click the Send invite to collaborate button. You can add an optional message as well to help provide context.

Invited coworkers will receive a unique notification according to the permission they have been given. If they have not registered on Clora’s Marketplace, they will be also prompted to create their Clora account.

Coworkers who are registered will gain immediate access and do not need to ‘accept’.

Coworkers who are NOT registered need to register before gaining access.

NOTE: Invited coworkers are only associated with 1 project. Colleagues would need to be invited to each relevant project for your organization.

Retracting/Removing Access

If you need to remove a coworker, click on the Add Coworkers button to open the modal.

In the modal, scroll down to the bottom section where all coworkers are listed.

Open the dropdown menu to the right of the coworker you will be removing and select Remove from project (last item in list).

The coworker will be immediately removed and no longer have access.

Editing Coworker Access

If you need to change the permission of a coworker, click on the Add Coworker button to open the modal.

In the modal, scroll down to the bottom section where all coworkers are listed.

Open the dropdown menu to the right of the coworker you will be editing and select the new permission. Changes will be instantly in effect.

Reminder! Based on your permissions, you may not have the same permission choices shown in the example. Rule of thumb = You can add others at your permission level or below.

Accessing Projects

All invited coworkers will be able to access projects they’ve been added to under the My Projects section.

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