To feature your experience effectively and give you better project suggestions from Clora’s Marketplace, we are introducing ways for you to indicate the years of experience on your profile expertise tags.
You’ll be able to access these new features when editing your Profile.
To begin, log in to your Clora account and navigate to your profile.
Click Edit Profile to begin editing.
You can indicate years of experience for Functional Areas and Roles on your profile.
Click the Edit link next to Functional Area and/or Roles (if applicable).
NOTE - Your profile may not have roles yet. As we expand to each Functional Area, these will become available. Keep an eye out for this! We’ll also let you know.
A new window will open with your current tag(s). You’re free to add/edit/delete while you are here! Click Next once confirmed.
You will now be prompted to indicate years of experience ranges.
Once you have made your selections, click Save to apply them to your profile.
You will follow these exact same steps for roles and Save your select(s).
Your profile will now reflect the years of experience next to each tag.
You can indicate your top tags and years of experience for Therapeutic Areas, Product Technologies, and Diseases / Indications on your profile.
To begin, click the Edit link next to the section.
A new window will open with your current tag(s). You’re free to add/edit/delete while you are here! Click Next once confirmed.
Since you may have many tags for these sections, you will be prompted to indicate up to 3 top tags that you consider yourself most experienced in. Click on the tag you would like to flag.
NOTE - You are not required to indicate all 3. You can indicate less.
Once you have made your selections, click Next.
Finally, you will have the option to indicate the years of experience for the top tags you indicated.
Click Save once complete.
You can indicate top tags and years of experience for Product Technologies and/or Diseases / Indications, if applicable.
Your profile will now reflect your years of experience AND will now display a top tag badge.