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How My Timesheets Work

Learn how to create, manage, and submit your timesheet through Clora's My Timesheets feature on Marketplace.

Olga Quiroga avatar
Written by Olga Quiroga
Updated over a week ago

Consultants with a profile on the Clora Marketplace can login and see My Timesheets in their navigation menu.

If you haven’t started working on an engagement through the Clora Marketplace yet, your My Timesheets will be empty.

Once you start working on engagements, project cards will be listed. Each project will have its unique card even if you’re working on multiple projects for the same client. Active projects will be listed first. Completed projects will be grouped at the bottom.

You can click into an individual Client Project to open the Project View, which will feature:

  1. Client and Project Name – Includes the date work started

  2. Draft + Submitted Timesheet Totals (blue) and Approved Timesheet Totals (grey)

  3. Monthly Timesheet Listing

All timesheet(s) submitted through My Timesheets will be listed including Draft, Submitted, and Approved timesheets along with a prompt to spin up next month’s timesheet. Please note that timesheets submitted outside of My Timesheets will not be captured here at this time.

You can click into any Draft, Submitted, and Approved invoice to view timesheet Details, which is comprised of 2 sections:

  1. Timesheet Details – Details include:

    • Invoice Number and Status

    • Due Date (if Draft), Dated Submitted, or Date Approved by Hiring Manager

    • Totals (Sub-section + Grand Totals)

  2. Logged Line Items – Sub-sections with totals include:

    • Consulting Hours

    • Travel Hours

    • Expenses

Creating a Timesheet

Whether you’re creating next month’s timesheet or spinning up a monthly timesheet for the first time, click on + Create [Month] Timesheet to begin.

  • The invoice name and number will auto-populate.

  • You can create the current, upcoming, and/or last months’ invoices at anytime

Quick Tip - If you will not be billing time/expenses for a particular month, feel free to click on Not Invoicing for [Month]. This will pause notifications/reminders to submit for that month.

Logging Hours + Expenses

Daily hours and expenses can be logged at any time with ease at any time on any device. Additionally, as long as your timesheet isn’t in a Submitted or Approved status, you can edit/delete previously entered items. To create a new line item, click on + ADD CONSULTING HOURS.

A new line item will appear, pre-populated with today’s date. Any entered time will automatically save and factor into the total hours and amount according to a consultant’s contracted hourly take rate, travel rate, and agreed-upon expenditures.

If there are associated IDs or Cost Centers, you can enter these in the Optional ID field.

A few quick tips to keep in mind:

  • Please be as detailed as possible in your descriptions.

  • When submitting expenses, your uploaded expense receipt will automatically be associated with the line entry without having to label/name your receipt files.

  • My Timesheets does not prevent you from logging hours or expenses. If your contract has a monthly hour limit, please inform your hiring manager for approval and inform your Clora representative.

Submitting Your Timesheet

Once you have entered and finalized all your consulting hours, travel hours, and expenses, you can submit your timesheet to Clora to begin the review and payment processing. Please be sure to review your monthly timesheet carefully before submitting it. You cannot retract your timesheet once submitted. If you discover an issue with your timesheet after submission, please reach out to your assigned Clora Operations Associate.

The Clora platform and your assigned Clora Operations Associate will send you periodic reminders to submit your timesheet. If your monthly timesheet submission will be delayed, please be sure to keep your assigned Clora Operations Associate informed. My Timesheets will block late submissions in the event you will be submitting past the recommended deadline.

The monthly timesheet will update the status.

Due Date

Make sure you create your timesheet as soon as possible and keep it up-to-date throughout the month. Please create and submit your timesheet no later than the 2nd day after the month close. If you do not create your timesheet by this due date, you will be blocked from creating and submitting and risk payment processing delays. Please reach out to if you have any questions.


You can export a copy, in PDF format, of any current or past timesheet once it’s in an Approved status at any time. You will be proactively notified once your timesheet has been Approved by Clora via email. The PDF export will be attached to this email for your convenience.

From the Project view

From the Timesheet view

Checking Status

Clora will keep you in the loop on the status of your timesheet. You will be notified if your submitted monthly timesheet has been approved via email and/or if your hiring manager has requested edits/changes. You will have access to keep an eye on statues in My Timesheets at your convenience from any device. Please note that payment tracking is not captured in My Timesheets. Our My Timesheets FAQs can provide more details about this. If you have any questions about status, please reach out to your assigned Clora Operations Associate.

Requested Edits

Your hiring manager will have the ability to request edits on your submitted timesheet. Consultants will get an email notification with a description of the requested edit/change/issue. When you navigate to My Timesheets, your timesheet will have an Edits Requested status. From here, you can click Edit and make any necessary changes to your timesheet as requested. If you have any questions about the feedback, please reach out directly to your hiring manager. If you would like Clora's assistance or would like to raise a dispute, please reach out to your assigned Clora Operations Associate.

All line items will once again be editable when a timesheet is re-opened by your hiring manager. Once you have finished editing, you can Submit to Clora to send your timesheet for approval.


The Clora team is here as a resource to help you every step of the way including timesheets. For all consultants, we’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions around timesheets here.

If you have any additional questions, feedback, or need any assistance, please start a chat at the bottom-right corner of the webpage, reach out directly to your assigned Clora representative, or email us at

If you do not have a Clora consultant profile on the Marketplace yet, you can create a free, no-strings-attached profile here to check out My Timesheets and browse open opportunities.

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